Tests, evaluations and analyses are invariably documented at the end of each workflow. Results must be recorded, set down in reports or quixkly communicated internally and externally.
With this in mind, dhs Image Data Base provides convenient options for creating professional test reports and the communication of these.
Professionel documents – MS Word-independentOur reporting software is the ideal tool for easy and professional documentation of your work with the dhs Image Data Base. All images, texts, tables and analysis results previously identified in the data base can be compiled and output as a test report. dhs‘ own report generator is MS Word-independent, in other words, there is no need to purchase additional Office programmes.
Creating a document template:
- once for each project
- intuitively using the template designer
- Using drag & drop to insert variable fields into the layout view directly
- formats can be selected using a tool bar
The document template is ready in just a few simple steps. Using the objekt window, the selected images and corresponding data to insert into the template.
Other convenient features:
- All settings or templates can be stored in profiles
- Change of view (single sheet, overall report)
- Subsequent additions or changes are possible at any time
- Barcodes can be generated
- Image selction directly in the module via gallery function
- Search and scroll function for image selection
- Consecutive image numbering
- dot templates with WORD continue to be supported (same user interface and functionality)
– clear preselection by tabs
+ simple report
+ report composed of several templates
+ advance search (to select specific data for the report)
- Path selection also possible via UNC network paths and IP addresses
Detailed information can be found in
Data sheet Report (PDF: 332 KB) Download